As the holidays come to a end and the new years begins, don't let the good feeling disappear with the hustle and bustle of your normal routine coming back to order.
I was reading one of my favorite blogger Ramblings of a suburban mom "Sunday Sentiments Segment" and it completely reminded me of something small I did on my Instagram last year.
Pay it Forward - for those that not might know is when someone does something nice for you unexpectedly and your repay the favor by doing something nice for someone else. Keep the chain going, you may never know how it will it effects someone else's day or even life.
Last year I put up a post on instagram
about pay it forward and the first 3-5 people that commented received a package from me in the mail, through out the year. It was random they did not know when it was coming or what was in it.
Only request that was made was that they pay it forward also. Some of the people that participated did the same thing and made a post on instagram while others did random acts of kindness locally in their area.
Today while looking on Intstagram I came across another kind of pay it forward. This is more simple and a great idea. Its called Peg It Forward.
One of the most simple and Kind things you can ever give someone is kind words.
For this RAOK-Random Act of Kindness you right something nice, encouraging words on a peg and attach it to a random stranger.
Just the thought of someone having a terrible day and by the time they get home or finally sit down they find a peg attached to their Purse, Backpack, Jacket or whatever you attached it with words like "U are Awesome" "SMILE" "Beautiful" etc... Will bring a smile to their face.
These are some pictures from Pegitforwards Instagram
To see how Peg it Forward works you can check their website out
You can also hash tag -#RAOK to get a few ideas on things you can do as a random act of kindness.
As for me I will be choosing 9 people randomly, 3 from my blog (Must comment below with your email) 3 from my instagram, and 3 from my twitter.
They will all receive a surprise from me in the mail through out the year. It will come at random and will be a surprise. Only thing I ask is that you Pay it forward.
I will also be pegging a few people out there :)
Have you done something nice for some one recently? or has someone don't something nice for you?
That's so nice. I never heard of peg it forward, I'm definitely going to try it : )